Skech of Japan

rediscovering the goodness of Japan

Sketch of Japan
Let’s go to Matsuri!
Introducing the Japanese festivals held in January.
The most popular event in January is New Year festival.
Japanese celebrate the New Year on January 1st and visit shrines or temples.
We call the first time visiting in that year to shrines or temples,“HATSUMODE”, and do it as a tradition.
Also “DONDO-YAKI” is a fire festival, usually held on January 15th all over Japan.
People gather New Year’s ornaments and burn them in a big bonfire and pray for good health and safety of family.
An annual event ”FUKUOTOKO ERABI” which is the race for men to get lucky all year round, is popular at Nishinomiya shrine in Hyogo Prefecture.
日本人は1月1日に新年を祝い、神社に初詣にでかけます。 また、各地で1年間の無病息災を願い、正月飾りを燃やす「どんど焼き」が行われます。
Matsuri in January
(Cited from ANNnewsCH)
JanuaryNew Year festival etc.   JulyGion Festival etc.
FebruarySetsubun etc.   AugustThe three major festivals in Tohoku etc.
MarchHinamatsuri(doll's festival)   SeptemberDanjiri Festival etc.
AprilCherry blossom festival   OctoberNada-no-Kenka Festival etc.
MayChildren's day etc.   NovemberKaratsu Kunchi etc.
JuneKibune-jinja Shrine boat festival etc.   DecemberChichibu Yomatsuri Festival etc.